WHat we believe

All Saints' is a committed gathering of Christian disciples who stand in the fellowship of the Anglican Communion, affirming the great truths of our orthodox and evangelical faith: The sovereignty of God the Holy Trinity, God's free grace for salvation through a living faith in Christ alone, and the primacy of Holy Scripture. We affirm and confess sacred Tradition in the ancient Creeds of the undivided Church and we welcome all Christian people from any denomination, or none, to worship with us. 

Core Values

We, the people of All Saints', commit ourselves, individually and corporately, to these core values to guide how we live out God's vision and mission for us. We are committed to:

Our Upward relationship with God, by ...

Gathering weekly as a community of faith for worship and Christian nurture.

Keeping the Holy Scriptures central to our teachings and lives.

Exercising a discipline prayer that strengthens our corporate unity and individual lives.

Learning to hear, trust and obey Jesus as Head of the Church.

Our Inward relationships at All Saints', by ...

Supporting and blessing one another in our daily lives.

Welcoming all age groups and one another's unique gifts and contributions.

Encouraging all members to discover and use their God given gifts for ministry.

Participating in vibrant Christian education and formation for all ages.

Our Outward relationships beyond All Saints', by ...

Providing an abiding Christian presence to the downtown Anchorage community.

Being a place of rest and beauty within our neighborhood.

Engaging the civic community as an active resource for the betterment of Anchorage.

Joining in an ecumenical witness to God's love and presence in Anchorage.